Strengthen your ankles for Ultimate Frisbee with Tobu Fitness

Strengthen your ankles for Ultimate Frisbee with Tobu Fitness

In ultimate frisbee, your ankles do a lot of heavy lifting. From explosive cuts to lateral movements, they’re constantly tested. Keeping them strong and mobile is crucial—not just for improving performance but also for preventing injuries that can sideline you for weeks.

If you’ve ever wondered how to train your ankles effectively, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll share exercises and tips from Justin, aka Tobu Fitness, a strength and conditioning expert who helps ultimate frisbee players reach their full potential.

Watch: Ankle Health for Ultimate Frisbee

Ankle health is crucial in ultimate frisbee, where quick cuts and lateral movements are key to the game. In this video, Justin shares exercises and tips for strengthening your ankles to improve performance and prevent injuries.

Watch the full video below:

Key exercises for ankle health

Here’s a breakdown of Justin’s top exercises for building stronger, more stable ankles:

  • Lateral Exercises: curtsy lunges and lateral lunges.
    • Strengthen your legs and ankles, particularly for side-to-side movements.
  • Ankle Hops:
    • Perform double-leg or single-leg hops in different directions: forward, backward, side-to-side, and multi-directionally.
    • These exercises help train your ankles, feet, and legs to handle forces from all angles.

By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you can improve ankle strength, stability, and mobility, enhancing your overall performance on the field.

Why does ankle health matter in Ultimate Frisbee?

Ultimate frisbee is a high-intensity, cutting-heavy sport that demands quick directional changes and sustained agility. Weak or untrained ankles can lead to instability, discomfort, and even long-term injuries.

Strengthening your ankles through targeted exercises reduces injury risk and ensures you’re ready to perform at your best. Incorporating lateral and multi-directional exercises, as Justin suggests, builds strength and stability while preparing your body for the unique stresses of the game.

Meet Justin aka Tobu Fitness

You probably already know Justin, the coach behind Tobu Fitness—he’s a legend in the ultimate frisbee world! But hey, we’ll introduce him anyway. 😄

Justin is a strength and conditioning expert who’s dedicated to helping ultimate players unlock their full potential. Through his personalized coaching, he’s worked with athletes at every level, from UFA stars to elite international players.

Want to learn more? Check out his website: Tobu Fitness or follow him on Instagram for top-notch training tips: @tobufitness.

Why TOKAY cleats make a difference

Justin also highlights the importance of the right gear when it comes to ankle health. He recommends low-cut cleats, like the TOKAY Flights, because they allow your ankles the freedom to move naturally.

"If your ankles don’t have the freedom to move, that movement has to come from somewhere else—like your knees or hips—which increases your risk of injury."

TOKAY cleats are designed for comfort, mobility, and ultimate-specific performance, making them a great choice for players at any level.

Ready to experience the difference? Discover the TOKAY Flights here.


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