Taking good care of your cleats will make them look better for longer, and (more importantly) it will keep your cleats in better working condition. TOKAY cleats were designed and made to be durable, and taking care of them will help them last even longer.
By playing ultimate, your cleats will often get dirty and wet. That is totally fine. But it is much better for your cleats if they do not stay muddy and wet for too long. So: clean them, let them dry, and use your cleats like cleats.
CLEANING – clean your cleats regularly

Mud gets into the fabric pores and over time this affects the breathability, flexibility and therefore also the durability of your cleats. Simply use a wet towel or sponge to remove the mud off of your cleats after a muddy training or tournament.
Do NOT use solvents to clean your cleats and do NOT put your cleats into the washing machine. This will moisten the inner foams and help the growth of bacteria.
DRYING – allow your cleats to dry

Encourage your cleats to dry naturally by placing them in a dry and well-ventilated area. Remove the insoles and let these dry separately. Insoles usually retain a lot of water. If your cleats are very wet you can also put some balled up newspaper paper into them to help absorb out the moisture.
For many of us, just taking our cleats out of our bags after practice is a good first step in the right direction.
Even more importantly: do not actively dry your cleats by putting them in the dryer, on a radiator, or blasting them with a hairdryer. As with all cleats, active drying methods are quite bad for cleats and will cause the materials to break more quickly.
This page gives general advises. Read these articles to find more specific information on how to:
- Maintain your cleats on rainy days.
- Maintain your cleats on sunny summer tournaments.
OFF FIELD TIPS – use your cleats properly

Finally, use your cleats like cleats. Work them hard, but please do not walk on concrete in your cleats. This will damage the studs and will make them less effective. Also, since they don’t provide any grip on concrete, you’re more likely to slip and fall. So stay safe, and change out of your cleats if you need to walk across an area of concrete.
Wear flip-flops between games, but don’t wear your cleats like flip-flops. The reinforced heel counter plays an integral role in the functionality of your cleats, wearing your cleats like flip-flops will damage the heel and decrease functionality of the cleats overall. Taking your cleats off between games is also really good for your feet. Pop on a change of socks and you and your cleats will both feel brand new.