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Aline "Rasta" Mondiot


TEAMS: YAKA - France Women

"Light and ready from the first second for cutting hard on the fieds !"

Aline started playing Ultimate in 1999 when one of her school teacher introduced her to Ultimate, and it was love at first sight! She grew up through and thanks to this sport, she met a wonderful community and with that she discovered the high level sport. In France, she’s working on developing the ultimate women scene. She’s lucky to play with YAKA and won 15 national titles with the team. Rasta has represented her country on the international stage since 2007. She we won Gold at EMUC in 2019 and 2023 with France Women Master! On the european club scene, she won gold, silver and 3 Bronze medals with YAKA and gold with CUSB Shout in 2018.

"Tokay, the best cleats ever ! Light and ready from the first second for cutting hard on the fieds ! Congrats Robin for putting Tokay and your french brand on the map !"