What is EUGEM ?

The EUROPEAN ULTIMATE GENDER EQUITY MANUAL is a guide of good practice and advice to encourage gender equity and inclusivity in the world of ultimate.

Founded by the European Ultimate Federation, it provides resources to clubs, coaches and players to achieve the 3 goals: recruitment, training and retaining of players.

Presented as a Wiki to make the information easily accessible, the manual will drive you through the terms and concepts you need to know, good practices and case studies.

Gender diversity is an asset, let’s take care of it!

Discover the manual


Thank you to the founders and partners who made EUGEM possible:

Why does gender equity metters ?

According to Thierry Terret, the sports historian, the dominant sporting culture evokes a realm traditionally associated with notions deemed to be masculine. This particular take on the sport, coupled with our constructions of gender, contributes from a very young age to instill the idea that sport is “a man’s thing”.

difference between equality and equity through a physical difference: height

Illustration: Angus Maguire (edit. by TOKAY)

Gender equity in sports means breaking down the negative stereotypes that discourage people from participating in sports. Striving for it is about making everyone feel good on their team and in our community. It’s giving everyone the resources they need to grow, taking into account their individual needs. Through awareness, discussions and actions, equity is a way to achieve equality.

All advice given in the EUGEM is a good way to a more equitable Ultimate community, in which each person feels comfortable.

Ultimate is one of the few mixed-gender sport, so let’s make it a strength and how that gender equity is possible!

Learn more about gender equity

What did we learn from the manual?

We selected for you 3 articles from the  main sections of the guide: introduction to gender equity, good practices and cases studies.

Introduction to Gender Equity
Gender Differences in Sport”: The dominant sporting culture evokes a realm traditionally associated with notions deemed to be masculine. This particular take on the sport, coupled with our constructions of gender, contributes from a very young age to instill the idea that sport is “a man’s thing”.

Read : Gender differences in sport

Good practices

Inclusive environment: “A safe and inclusive environment can foster the development of trust between players on and off the field. It will also positively affect the sense of camaraderie and group identity with the team or association.”

Read : Safe and inclusive environment

Case studies

Recruitment in Ireland by Clara Byrne : “Recruitment is the first interaction players have with your team. So doing it right is essential. In Ireland, the majority of recruitment into ultimate occurs in colleges. It’s a perfect opportunity to showcase your club and your sport to a large audience and can hugely impact your whole season. Newly recruited college players then filter into club teams when colleges close for summer, providing a source of new players to club teams.”

Read : Recruits college and club players


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